This was a series of videos I worked on with the goal of teaching teachers and faculty members different ways they can use ChatGPT in their teaching work. I worked alongside Assistant Directors of Faculty Programs and Services, Dr. Rebecca Petitti and Dr. Jamie Kim. They conceptualized and wrote the videos, while I was in charge of recording and editing them. The videos are compiled in a playlist on Columbia University’s Columbia Learn YouTube channel, available for anybody, including non-Columbia affiliates, to watch.
We recorded the videos in our DIY booth at Butler Library, which is a small noise-resistant room with a computer, microphone, webcam, and teleprompter setup, although in this case however, we only needed the microphone. We did the voiceover while simultaneously recording screen capture of the prompts they conducted with ChatGPT. After recording, I took the recordings and edited them using Adobe Premiere. I used a lot of resizing to give the screen captures more visual interest and make the videos more dynamic.